
The Silence of Grief

By Fi Jones (15/08/2016),(Bereavement Co-ordinator)
Voices all around you

Yet loneliness within

Thoughts and feelings choke you

Tears and fears devour you

The pain of death grips you

No silence within.
Look to the night sky 

With its stars and moon,

Lie on the ground;  

Peaceful clouds

Blow gently across the blue

Rest awhile and begin

To find….. the silence within.

Quotes that mean much to me.

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud”(Maya Angelou).

I would like to be a rainbow bringing hope; brightening up someone’s day; uttering helpful words; spending time in silence together; a smile; bringing awareness of a Creator and peace etc.

Hoping to include in this part poems I’ve written or stories as well as writing about others written work, music or art! I’m not sure how it will develop so I will see what happens!